Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Year 12 - and "Growing up too Fast"

Year 12 - and on our way to University - and where did the time go?

I sit and watch her as she spends so much time with her head in the books studying..... and I am amazed at the woman she is becoming!!!

She has developed into a beautiful, willowy young woman, who has her dreams and her goals, and to my sheer amazement and wonder, even with all the bumps along the road, she is still aiming high!!! I am constantly blown away by who she is becoming, with her strong personality, and her stalwart convictions of right and wrong!!! She is firming up who she is in the world, and her place in the world, whilst I sit by and wonder - WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!

Where did the little girl go, who once sat on her bean bag, with a chocolate covered face, and a grin from ear to ear, whilst she enjoyed her paddle pop ice-cream?! Where did the little girl go, who enjoyed playing with her duplo and lego often spending hours building with them!! Where did the little girl go who shouted "more Mummy, higher Mummy" whilst she played on her swings in the backyard, or at the park? Where did the little girl go who raided her Mum's handbag one night whilst I was on the phone, to put lipstick on "just like Mummy" - to only have lipstick from one side of her face to the other????

I remember the little girl who sat on the floor - licking the bowl from the makings of a chocolate cake, at the same time covering herself in it - the cake being to share at our local calisthenics club, for her birthday. Days were measured by competitions as a team for calisthenics, and practise for her own solo work to go on stage and dance her heart out, they were also measured by the weekends we spent on the road as we went from one calisthenics event to another. Nights were spent just catching my breath, whilst I sequined her latest costume - sometimes spending weeks on just one - and also trying to cook dinner, clean the house, get work done that I had brought home with me, just so I could stay caught up!!!! Time flew by too fast as I was often amazed at her ability to just keep going and yet still be striving so high at school.

Time slips by so fast and robs us of the moments of our children growing up, and before we know it they are miniature adults, and it has all happened way too fast!!! I stand at the door and watch the young woman she has become, as she drives her car out the driveway to head off to school, and everyday that I do never gets easier!!!! You try not to worry cause you know she is a good driver, a sensible driver - one that will not even start the car untill you have your seat belt fastened - but you also know there are other crazy drivers out there, and you pray she will not encounter them!!!

I remember the day I tied the keys of her car, with a large purple ribbon, to her car, and the beam on her face shows pleasure and excitement, and all the stress that you felt when you were looking for "just the right one" just goes!!!

So world, do you think we can slow down just a little - let me catch up on the time I have missed, so that I can enjoy the little girl I have raised, for just a bit longer? Let not the years of uni come fast, let not the final exams be here tomorrow, and let not the "final formal" arrive too soon?? Let me just enjoy the little girl I raised, for just a bit longer, before I have to acknowledge that she is a young woman, she is going to leave me soon and make her own way in the world!!!! Let me PLEASE catch up!!! It is making me feel old too!!

Her dreams, her aiming so high, her desire to reach perfection at her work, keep her driven. And I am so proud of who she is becoming. She is growing into a wonderful, strong young woman - but seriously - can we just SLOW DOWN for but a moment - before she has gone into her life, and I am no longer able to share who she is, because she has been gobbled up by the world!!! PLEASE!