Friday, 25 January 2008


Well its been a few weeks since I posted on my blog, after all its school holidays - that bain of every parent's life!!! How's yours been - mine has been weird, different, not sure how to describe it - this year!!!

Firstly, its the first Christmas break we have been home for in a few - we have been away to Bali twice, and in between the U.S.A - all of them I loved; the teenager well what can I say - the different lifestyle and culture of the Balinese the first time was enlightening with a teenager who had never travelled overseas!!! (Mind you we BOTH love the place now, the people are beautiful, the country is beautiful etc etc)

So being home for these holidays has felt so wrong!! (I miss my best friend - she lives in Perth!) Then of course introduce the fact that it is the first year the teenager has worked, the first Christmas holidays we have had a resident boyfriend in our lives, who has made life interesting!!! Young love, what can I say, don't think I remember it being so all over the place!!!

Then to top it all, I have started changing my life within the home, by introducing my business to the home - this brings with it a new set of boundaries within our home!! and just to ensure that life is not dull at our modest home, we have something you would think had occurred due to a bomb being dropped from a great height, landing in our backyard!!! We open windows - we eat dirt, we open doors - we eat dirt... Jamie Durie I challenge you to figure this one out for me!!!

So is life interesting?? Oh for sure.... teenager thinks that now she is 16, starting Year 12 this year, and working, she should be able to have her first car for starting back at school.... Me, I don't ever remember life being so easy as to work away at my parents and convince them that this is the ONLY right and JUST thing to do for this poor teenager, after all, god forbid we should make her catch a bus, or even worse WALK!!!!

Obviously, I am old fashioned and stuck in a time warp, cause I remember my parents telling me should I so desire a car I could save up for one, you know WORK for one, and purchase it myself. That it wasn't a god given right of mine to have my own car when I deemed it should be, and that should that be a problem with me getting to school I could always walk, or catch the bus!!!

So what has happened to this generation Y - oh is it Y can't I have it, Y shouldn't I have it, Y is my life so tough!!! So and so has one so I should be able to!! Curse those parents who give their kids everything, and forget to teach them the value of the almighty dollar!!!

And in the meantime this blogger is watching the stock market and wondering if she will have anything left at this rate?!

So, school holidays have been VERY INTERESTING this year, and we have certainly had our moments, but the last two weeks have been particularly pleasant (for reasons I will keep to myself) and we have been back to our old Mum, Daughter fun relationship even amid all the working away at Mum regarding THE car!!!

So, there I sit in the bathroom the other day, with said darling daughter doing my hair for me, and us having a big laugh, when said teenager comes toward me with scissors in hand "Mum your fringe is a bit long!!!" - Well, end of beginning, cause before I know it said teenager has cut my fringe - only in doing so when wetting it, she forgot that wet stretches the hair - so now I am sporting a good 5 yr old's fringe just about to start school, and Mum has taken them out the back and given them a home done hairdressing job!!!! EEEKKKK what to do? Take to said teens hair with scissors to ensure she never comes near me again, praise her so as to not upset and hurt her feelings (after all it wouldn't be good for self-esteem, I might get blamed for mental and emotional cruelty!!!), or ??? So here I sit with a fringe to the top of my forehead having not looked like this for many a year, and as far as I am concerned..........

BRING ON SCHOOL TERM!!! Someone save me from the dreaded hormonal years of a teenager!!!